After a tragic accident, Jojo found herself transcended into the Fate World. She inherited the mighty and powerful Dragon GENE—a force prophesied to save human civilization in this shattered realm, which is being ruthlessly dismantled by the Fate Consensus in its quest for the perfect society. Despite this incredible destiny, Jojo struggles with self-doubt, feeling weak compared to other Trainers and having yet to accomplish anything significant.

Her arrival in the Fate World was marked by deep misery and confusion. However, through the friendships she forged, especially with her loyal best friend Qing Yue and her wise, honorable mentor Andre, Jojo began to discover where she truly belonged. With renewed purpose, she swore to become the strongest Trainer in the Fate World, determined to protect everyone she cares for and fulfill her destiny.



The first Trainer at Cinos Campus, Klue is renowned for his dedication and mastery of the Aqua GENE. His drive to protect human civilization pushes him to train tirelessly, striving to become the strongest Trainer in this fragile world.



A natural loner, Klue believes he brings misfortune to others and keeps his distance. However, his life changes when he meets Jojo, Qing Yue, and Lena—new members of The Moths who bring more trouble than he ever expected.



Despite the chaos, these companions begin to break down the walls Klue has built around himself. With the guidance of their Master, Andre, Klue must confront his belief in bad luck and navigate the challenges of leadership.



Qing Yue’s world was shattered when the Awakened One destroyed her town and took her parents’ lives. Overwhelmed by guilt and feeling powerless, she nearly ended her life. Jojo’s compassion saved her from despair.


Moved by Jojo’s kindness, Qing Yue vowed to become stronger. She joined Cinos Campus as a Trainer to fight against the Awakened Ones. She has since opened a restaurant on campus, using her cooking skills to support and uplift the community.


With the rare Qilin GENE, Qing Yue combines discipline with a warm, introspective nature. Driven by her conviction to protect her comrades and contribute to the greater good, she excels both in combat and in the kitchen.



Lena is a calm, logical, and straightforward girl with an unwavering sense of duty and loyalty. As a tech genius with remarkable hacking skills, she uses her abilities solely for justice. She carries the Wolf GENE and, as an orphan, has endured significant loss—her orphanage was destroyed by the Awakened One, and in the chaos, she lost her closest friends.


Her life took a new direction when she met Jojo, whose reckless fight for good inspired her. Determined to make a difference, Lena followed Jojo to Cinos Campus and joined The Moths team, where she now uses her hacking skills to aid the community and fight for a better future.



Andre is the Captain of Cinos Campus and the strongest Trainer to have survived the Reset from the previous civilization. His strength, enhanced by his Mecha GENE, remains unmatched even in the current era. As a seasoned veteran in the world of Fate, Andre’s vast combat experience and deep understanding of the Awakened Ones’ weaknesses make him a key figure in humanity’s fight against the Consensus Menace.


In addition to his battle prowess, Andre possesses a powerful secret—a unique amulet known as the Nexus Shard, which grants him resistance against the Consensus’ control. Now serving as the Master of The Moths team, Andre mentors the next generation of Trainers, guiding Klue, Jojo, Qing Yue, and Lena as they take on the challenges of this fragile world.



Hailing from a previous civilization, Michael is a brilliant leader who once failed to protect his people from the Fate Consensus. Possessing the rare Phantom GENE, Michael is fiercely dedicated to humanity’s survival. When his original plan fell apart, he turned to Cryonic Tech as a last resort, preserving himself underground for thousands of years. Miraculously, Michael, alongside Andre and Sam, survived the Reset.


Now, faced with the threat of the Fate Consensus once more, Michael has founded Cinos Campus to prepare a new generation of Trainers. Here, only those with strong GENEs can develop their skills, control their abilities with Lings, and learn the tactics necessary to save human civilization from destruction.



Yuka is a mysterious figure defined by unyielding determination and a deep connection to the parallel world. After losing her younger brother during the Fate Consensus menace, Yuka sought solace and purpose in mastering Kuchiyose, a ritual that allows her to communicate with the parallel realm. With the unique Cat GENE, she uses this ability to uncover hidden truths.


Driven by her curiosity for the unknown, Yuka joined The Goat team under Sam’s leadership at Cinos Campus. Here, she dedicates herself to researching the supernatural and exploring the fringes of pseudoscience, ever determined to bridge the gap between worlds.



Sam is a legendary Trainer from a previous civilization and one of the three survivors alongside Michael and Andre. With the rare Capra GENE, Sam possesses an extraordinary talent for identifying artifacts and ancient devices from past eras. He is an avid artifact collector, skilled researcher, and meticulous planner, always finding creative ways to solve complex challenges.


Now, Sam serves as the Master of The Goat team at Cinos Campus, guiding members like Emo, Yuka, and T. Though his genius is often misunderstood, his dedication to training the next generation and his unwavering resolve in the fight against the Fate Consensus remain steadfast.



Emo is a determined and courageous Trainer at Cinos Campus and a key member of The Goat team under Sam’s leadership. In the face of adversity, he never backs down, confronting overwhelming odds with unyielding resolve. Whether in life’s struggles or during intense battles, Emo believes that persistence is the only way forward.


As a discerning guardian of friendships, Emo carefully evaluates newcomers’ sincerity and character. Once he deems them worthy, he becomes their loyal ally, offering guidance, support, and protection like a devoted big brother. With his Wombat GENE, Emo enjoys challenging others to test combat skills, always eager to prove himself and grow stronger as a fighter.



T was born into wealth and privilege, but her life took a dramatic turn when the Fate menace destroyed her entire family. Utilizing her father’s fortune, she now dedicates herself to combating the Fate Consensus and aiding those in need. Her father’s substantial funding of Sam’s research led to her inclusion in The Goat team, where Sam trains her to become a formidable Trainer.


Despite her tragic loss, T remains compassionate and determined. With her Penguin GENE, she may appear cute and gentle, but she possesses remarkable mental strength and an unwavering commitment to doing what she believes is right. Actively participating in various initiatives against the Fate menace, T leverages her resources to support her team and advance their cause.

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