Fate Consensus
An entity seeks to perfect civilization
In the world of Fate, there exists a powerful entity known as the Fate Consensus. Its goal is to build an ideal human civilization that can take good care of the world. However, every civilization it creates is plagued by negative traits like greed, selfishness, and hatred.
To rectify this, the Fate Consensus awakens strong individuals filled with negativity, seizing control of their minds to use them as agents of destruction. Their task? To destroy these flawed civilizations so that they can be reborn into something perfect. So far, the Fate Consensus has reset four civilizations.

An empowered individual bestowed with unique GENE
Trainers are special individuals with a unique GENE, enabling them to summon Lings for battle. They form an organized group trained to defeat the Awakened One and safeguard civilizations from destruction.
However, they are also a favored target of the Fate Consensus, which seeks to control them and harness their power to become the next Awakened One, exploiting their negative emotions to bring about civilization’s demise due to their unique GENE abilities.

A summoned spirit fights alongside the trainer in battle
Lings are spirits with their own energy and consciousness. Normally, they roam the world to absorb its energy, displaying both passive and aggressive behaviors. When destroyed, they reform into something based on the energy they absorbed.
However, Trainers with a unique GENE can summon Lings using their power. These summoned Lings can be trained and evolved into strong allies, often used by Trainers in battles against the Awakened One.

Awakened One
The Fearsome Enforcer of the Fate Consensus
The Awakened One is a formidable Trainer under the control of the Fate Consensus, specifically targeting those with intense negative emotions. Once a Trainer falls under their influence, their power becomes entwined with the Fate Consensus, granting them near-limitless strength and the ability to summon exceptionally powerful Lings based on their GENE.
Created to serve the Fate Consensus, the Awakened One’s purpose is to obliterate human civilization and pave the way for a new, improved one. Their overwhelming might and destructive mission pose a dire threat to the world, making them a key adversary in the ongoing struggle for survival.