Redefining Gaming Through On-chain Innovation

We are a passionate team of four individuals under the legally registered entity Jojo Dream Studio, with two partners driven by a shared vision: to revolutionize the gaming industry by harnessing the power of the Fantom Blockchain, specifically Fantom Sonic.

  • To create an unique Intellectual Property (IP) and engaging on-chain games that push the boundaries of traditional web3 gaming experiences, particularly in the strategy turn-based RPG genre.

  • To foster a thriving gaming community built on transparency, ownership, and trust.

  • To democratize the gaming economy by empowering players through true ownership of in-game assets and fostering a player-controlled economy.

Our Mission:

The Fantom Sonic Adventage:

  • Lightning-fast response and throughput: Fantom Sonic's remarkable transaction speeds enable seamless gameplay, effortlessly covering any <1 second lag time with in-game animations and transitions. This ensures a smooth and uninterrupted gaming experience, essential for executing precise turn-based strategies.

  • Superior security: Leveraging a robust consensus mechanism, Fantom Sonic ensures unmatched security for in-game assets, safeguarding valuable items, characters, and progress with zero downtime.

  • Minimal transaction fees: Fantom Sonic's cost-effective fees broaden our game's accessibility, fostering a vibrant and inclusive gaming community. With the added benefit of 90% Gas monetization (akin to a gas rebate) exclusively from Fantom, along with our innovative account abstraction and relayering, we can reliably enable players to execute gasless transactions. This ensures an optimal gaming experience and facilitates the onboarding of web2 players.

We've selected Fantom Sonic Blockchain for its unmatched capabilities, with <1 second true finality and blocktime, >2000 complex TPS, and >10,000 ERC20 TPS. These capabilities align seamlessly with our strategic turn-based RPG gameplay, ensuring an optimal gaming experience for our users.

The next generation of strategic RPGs, powered by Fantom Sonic.

Fate Adventure

Embark on an epic journey as an Adventurer to witness the rise of legendary trainers in the captivating world of Fate. In this immersive turn-based RPG, you'll take on the role of an adventurer, witnessing, guiding, and nurturing powerful creatures known as Lings to protect humanity from unforeseen threats originating from the world itself.

Foster a deep bond with your Lings:

  • Raise and train: Nurture your Lings from mere hatchlings into formidable companions, providing them with care, food, and rigorous training.

  • Witness evolution: Unlock their true potential through strategic evolution, guiding them through various stages as they transform into powerful beasts.

  • Unleash unique abilities: Discover the diverse skillsets of each Ling, utilizing their strengths to overcome challenging encounters and emerge victorious.

Assemble your dream team:

  • Encounter diverse Lings: Discover an abundance of Lings, each possessing unique skills and evolutionary paths. Collect them to build a versatile and potent team.

  • Unleash their potential: Nurture your Lings, providing them with care, training, and guidance as they evolve into magnificent companions. Witness their raw power blossom under your leadership.

  • Embrace the power of Trainers: Seek out skilled Trainers who possess unique GENEs, influencing the growth and potential of your Lings. Strategically integrate them into your team to unlock unprecedented strengths and abilities.

Become a master collector and strategist:

  • Experiment with GENE combinations: Explore the depths of genetics, mixing and matching Trainer GENEs to unlock an array of fascinating Ling evolutions. Craft a team that perfectly complements your strategic vision.

  • Forge your legend: As you conquer challenges and refine your skills, your reputation as a discerning collector and brilliant strategist will resonate throughout the Fate World.

Own your journey, contribute to a flourishing world:

  • Thriving NFT marketplace: Every Ling, Trainer, outfit, and in-game item you acquire is a tradable NFT, granting you complete ownership and the freedom to participate in the bustling marketplace.

  • Shape the economy: Invest in and contribute to the dynamic in-game economy by buying, selling, and trading your assets. Help shape the future of Fate World alongside a dedicated community.

Join us!

We are actively seeking funding to further develop and launch our innovative on-chain game. We believe our project, built on the powerful foundation of Fantom Sonic, has the potential to revolutionize the turn-based RPG genre and create a unique and engaging gaming experience for players worldwide.

If you share our vision and are interested in learning more, please don't hesitate to contact us.