Fantom Opera Mainnet

There may be some delays after transactions, and it is certainly not the ultimate performance we expected in the Sonic Mainnet. However, the primary reason for deploying on the mainnet now is to reward players with real $FTM currency and promote serious gaming, helping us determine the economy's fit for future balancing.

The BETA on Fantom Opera Mainnet

Fate Adventure (PVP BETA Format 3)

Free Lings for Testing

This PVP BETA is primarily testing the new front end with complex smart contracts. The $FTM used in-game and the rewards are valuable. Make sure you have at least 1 $FTM to participate!

Discover helpful tips by exploring the guide below. ↓


This Beta is a test of a small segment of the final game, conducted incrementally (agile). Our current focus is on evaluating player interactions and in-game economy performance, particularly in the PVP format 3 (Kings of the Hill). Visual effects (VFX) and sounds may be incomplete at this stage but will be improved gradually. [BALANCING WILL BE DONE AFTER BETA]

After connecting the wallet, you'll need to submit a one-time transaction to receive 14 new Pets known as Lings for free (excluding the gas fee). You'll need them to participate in PVP battles. However, the feeding, training, and evolving systems are disabled in this BETA Test. Therefore, focus on building your team with the existing Lings and joining the battle with them.

  1. Daylight System Indicator: This icon displays the current weather conditions. Currently, it only affects visual effects and does not impact battles yet.

  2. Lings Info: Here, you can view all information about your Lings.

  3. Team Setup: Select 3 Lings to form your team for exploration and battles.

  4. Claim Reward: You will be rewarded with $FTM for every second holding the winning position. You can claim the reward at any time. It is allocated to you.

  5. Donation: You can choose to donate $FTM to the prize pool to enhance the battle and become a sponsor.

  6. Wallet Address: Your existing wallet address that will be used in this game. If you switch wallets, make sure to refresh/restart the game.

  7. Reward Indicator: This shows the eligible reward that you may claim at any time.

  8. Timer: The Battle Timer indicates the duration of the active battle round, while the Resting Timer indicates when the next round starts.

  9. Next-Round-Prize: This indicates the prize allocated for the next round (not the starting round). Every $FTM spent in this BETA will go into the contract, and 40% of the contract's $FTM will incentivize the next round. For example, if the contract has 100 FTM, the first round will incentivize 40 FTM, and the second round will incentivize (100 - 40) * 40% = 24 FTM, and so on.

  10. Main Action Button: You can start the Battle by clicking this button or start the next Round by concluding the ended round.

  11. Chatting System: You can chat here, and it is fully on-chain. You may register your username at Please note there is a 200-character limit per message.



  • Health (HP): This represents how much damage the Ling can withstand before being defeated.

  • Attack (ATK): This represents your Ling's ability to inflict damage on enemies.

  • Defense (DEF): This represents your Ling's ability to resist incoming damage.

  • Speed (SPD): This represents how quickly your Ling can take turns in battle.

  • Intelligence (INT): This represents your Ling's ability to regenerate energy for using skills.

  • Combat Power: This represents the Ling's overall combat performance.


  • Leader: This Ling having a much higher chance to provoke an attack.

  • Focus: Start with 500 + Intelligence every round. Once over 1000, subtract 1000 and use Skill. Otherwise, Normal Attack.

  • Normal Attack: Normal attacks always follow the Attack (ATK) stat for damage.

  • Skill: Your Ling will always use the Special Skill before Ranged Skill if any, and takes turn.

  • Win a battle: All Lings of the opponent team are dead, or the total remaining Lings' HP is greater than the opponent Lings' HP.

  • Damage: Attack or Skill damage + Reaction damage - Defense

  • Reaction/Skill Elements: Refer to the next section.


When Lings use a skill, they apply elements to their targets. These elements will appear on top of the Lings. If two different elements accumulate, they will be consumed to trigger a reaction, which can have various effects such as causing additional damage, inflicting status ailments, or providing buffs to allies. Each skill may have its own associated element or combination of elements, adding depth to strategic gameplay. Understanding elemental reactions, interactions, and exploiting them effectively can greatly influence the outcome of battles.


  • Vaporize: Damage +0.3x HP_of_TriggerUnit

  • Melt: Damage +2x Defense_of_TriggerUnit

  • Frost: miss a turn, retain Ice Element

  • Flare: Damage +1x Attack_of_TriggerUnit

  • Conduct: Damage +1x Speed_of_TriggerUnit, Retain Electric element

  • Spark: Target current Defense -30% (stackable, round down), retain Electric

  • Ignite: Damage +0.5x Attack_of_TriggerUnit, Retain Fire element

  • Entangle: miss a turn, retain Nature Element

  • Chill: miss a turn, Focus reset to 0.

  • Overgrowth: Damage +2x Intelligence_of_TriggerUnit

  • Holy: Target current Attack +30% (stackable, round down)

  • Grow: Target current HP +25% (stackable, round down)

  • Radiant: Target current Defense +30% (stackable, round down)

  • Reflect: Target current Speed +30% (stackable, round down)

  • Blossom: Target current Intelligence +30% (stackable, round down)

  • Exhaust: Target current Attack -30% (stackable, round down)

  • Dehydration: Target current HP -25% (stackable, round down)

  • Dizzy: Target current Defense -50% (stackable, round down)

  • Pressure: Target current Speed -30% (stackable, round down)

  • Drained: Target current Intelligence -30% (stackable, round down)

  • Neutralize: Remove All Elements

After winning a battle, you won't receive the reward right away. So, you might notice that your reward doesn't change until either another adventurer defeats you and takes the "throne," or until the round ends if you're still holding the "throne."


(PRIZE: 180.96 FTM) means there are a total of 180.96 FTM allocated for the round, and for those holding the winning position, adventurers will receive 7.54 FTM per hour.

Any donations or spending on battles will go into the pool. Currently, 40% of the pool will be allocated for the next round. In the example, the text in the left corner shows that 148.5783 FTM will be allocated for the next round after the upcoming round has ended. This amount will continue to increase if there are more donations or battle spending until it is concluded by someone during the rest period.


For more tips, tricks, and strategies, don't hesitate to join our Discord server and engage with fellow adventurers!